Review: Microsoft Office 2013 features

Microsoft Office 2013 FeaturesMicrosoft Office is ready to release the latest versions of its top enterprise brand which is Microsoft 2013. There is a public preview of the new Microsoft 2013 that has been around for some time and the people can still download it and use it until the new version goes on sale. It has been said that this new version of office is going to move forward visually and it will also have links to cloud. It looks a lot different from the bubblegum icons and also the candy colors that give it a sleek look.

Microsoft Office 2013’s PowerPoint version has greatly improved from the past version and it is now possible to see the next animations, slides, timings, and even notes even more easily. With it you can easily handle the PDF file as a word document and easily edit it whenever you like. With Excel you will be able to pull in data from a website through the browser and utilize it to your needs. Outlook will allow you to pull your contacts together in unified contacts and even look at your calendar and get weather updates at the click of a single button.

With Office you will be able to insert information into a document and even search for images and videos online to edit and play the documents. There are millions of businesses that are dependent on Microsoft Word to get their work done on a daily basis. When they know that the newer version of Microsoft 2013 is coming out, then they will definitely want to invest in it. It has been said that the Microsoft Office 2013 Home and Student version is going to cost around $140 and will include Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote. The Home and Business version is bound to cost around $220 and it consists of the Office. In order to get the Professional Package it cost $400 and it includes Publisher and Access.

When you use Microsoft 2013 and use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint you will no longer get a black page when it is launched. The landing screen will present you with templates and other options for you to select from when you create or reopen a document. The screen will provide you with ready-made design options to select from that will make your work a lot easier and look more professional.

One of the best innovations in Microsoft 2013 is the new Read Mode that has a ribbon toolbar and allows you to see documents as if you are looking at a printed book. When you are in this mode you are not able to edit, but you will have access to search tools that will help you perform lookups that are related to the highlighted content in the particular files. There is even the convenience of a navigation pane that will help you get around lengthy documents and when you want return to your original layout. Microsoft 2013 is a great advancement in technology and its features are absolutely amazing, they will allow you to create your documents with ease and appear in a professional manner.

Author Bio

Nanna Jensen of MinTemaFest wrote this guest article. MinTemaFest is the largest party store in Scandinavia.

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