7 Important Tips to Write a Highly Appealing Guest Post

Highly Appealing Guest PostInteresting guest post is what will attract traffic back to your blog. As a guest poster, it is important to write good and interesting guest post that will engage your audience. Here are 7 important tips to write a highly appealing guest post:

  1. Represent your blog

    Your guest post must be able to represent your blog. In fact, you are writing your guest post in the name of your blog. You can say it like that. So, make sure that the quality of your guest post represents the quality of your blog. If your guest post is not appealing, people won’t be interested to visit your blog.

  2. Solve a problem

    Your guest post must be able to solve a problem. This is what you need to focus. It is how you deliver value to your readers. Find the most popular problem in your niche and try to solve it in your own ways. Your unique perspective is what will attract interest of your audience.

  3. Tell a story

    Story is one of the best ways to engage your readers with your guest post. Personal story will work best to explain your topic more clearly. You can play with your readers’ emotions if you can tell them a good story related to your topic.

  4. Link to good posts in the host blog

    Before writing your guest post, read some of the posts in the host blog. If there are some related posts that you can link in your guest post, you should link to those posts. It will give you two advantages. First, the host blogger will like your guest post more because your guest post will keep the traffic coming to the host blog. Second, readers will like your guest post more because they can find comprehensive information related to the topic that you write.

  5. Create real communication with your readers

    The success of your guest post depends on how you communicate with your readers. Think of yourself as a guest speaker in a big event. This is your opportunity to introduce yourself as well as to market yourself to your audience. If you can convince your readers that you “know your stuff”, people will want to know more about you. The key is communication – how you communicate with your readers in your guest post. Make your guest post interactive by involving your readers in your guest post.

  6. Deliver your promise

    Your guest post must be able to deliver your promise to your readers. Your readers read your guest post because they see that your post title is interesting. So, make sure not to disappoint them by giving them information that fit with your title.

  7. Tell interesting things about your blog in your resource box

    Most bloggers make a big mistake in writing their guest post resource box. They are talking about themselves instead of about their blogs. If you do the same thing, you should start changing your way in writing your resource box. You have to tell your readers about your blog instead of yourself. Yes, it’s true that your readers need to know about you, but make it brief. Write more about your blog by telling your readers what you offer them in your blog.

If you are a regular guest poster, you should make your guest post appealing in order to drive traffic to your blog. Follow the tips above if you want to write a highly appealing guest post.

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