Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera Review

Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera is a Samsung product that to be launched very soon. The camera which was introduced to the market in IFA in 2012 has turned out to be one of the Samsung best inventions. You can do so much with the camera and cannot be compared with any other camera or phone. It is a unique digital camera has a 16- megapixel digital snapper, Wi-Fi, runs on android application, and has 3G support. Its android version is more up to date than the Samsung Smart phones available in the market today.
jelly bean galaxy camera

Internet Connection

Due to Wi-Fi and 3Gconnectivity that facilitates wireless internet gives and enables the customer the chance to browse at the back of the camera. The client can also share photos with the loved one by easily emailing the pictures they have taken using the same camera. It has a wide screen of 4.8- inches that together with the android application and 3Gconnectivity are an advantage to those who wish to download the photos that they have taken. The screen also has 1,280×720-pixel resolution and an optical zoom of up to 21 x. Because of its sensor that is of standard quality Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera does not produce the best photo quality as you would expect

The Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera has new features that are easy for the consumer to follow and use. The super clear touch display allows you to take clear pictures and videos. It has a photo wizard to enable you is using it to use the photo editing features to edit and create videos easily. It is user friendly and you do not have to be a skilled photographer to use the Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera. This is especially because it has an easy to follow advanced photographic setup and auto-adjust settings.


It has a long life battery since it lasts up to 7 hours while connected. Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera is very easy to use. This is because the android application has been around from sometime and majority of people are familiar with it. It is convenient since you can surf the web, send and receive emails and still take your photos with only one gadget. This will make your moving from one place to the other easy since you do not have to carry many machines. It is not heavy since it only weighs about 305 grams and is about 19 millimeters thick.

Sharing Capabilities

For those people who love taking beautiful photos and sharing then the Jelly Bean Galaxy Camera is just for you. It is what most people refer to as” one in three “because of its multifunction ability take photos, share them using the internet, and do your emails. Many people are eagerly waiting for the South Korean company to introduce the camera to the market. It is expected that it is going to the best selling camera in the whole world. This is because of the positive remarks made by people who have been fortunate enough to try it.

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