Moving From Books to Tablets: What Are the Advantages?

Let’s go back to the age where traditional learning dominated the education sector. Books are one of the important sources which ensured dissemination of knowledge, but with technology taking over, books are replaced by ebooks. E-learning has become incumbent. Tablets are one of the gadgets which can be used to study. Learning from tablet has numerous advantages.advantages of tablets

  1.       Study at own convenience

Tablet is portable and light. It can be carried along easily without any hassles. With tablet being handy, you at study anytime-anywhere and at your own pace.

  1.       Interactive learning

Tablets contain audio, visual and animated content which enhances the way of learning. Concepts can be easily understood and is retained in one’s memory for a long time.

  1.       Takes less space

Practically, there is no space needed to store a tablet unlike books which needs a designated place to stack them. Hundreds and thousands of books can be stored in this hand held device and accessed easily.

  1.       Easy to obtain and locate information

With tablet, any information needed is just a step away! Information pertaining to any topic can be easily found unlike in a book, where one has to skim through pages.

  1.       Affordable

On a longer run, tablets are economical as it is a one-time investment. One can download whatever is needed whereas buying books is heavy on the pocket.

  1.       Customizable

Fonts in a tablet can be resized, making it easier for people with certain disabilities and with few additional software; it is possible to turn written content into audio.

  1.       Long Battery life

A tablet, when fully charged can be used for 2 days without any inconvenience. Tablets have a good battery backup and can sustain for longer hours.

Tablets have an upper hand over books because it’s handy and plethora of information can be stored. Byju’s is the pioneer in this field by introducing interactive learning through tablets.

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