Top 5 Best Photo Editing apps for Android Phones

Best Photo Editing AppsPhoto editing is addiction to many people. They love to edit their photos and add different effects on their photos. Undoubtedly Adobe Photoshop is one of the best tools for photo editing. But if you want to edit your photos on your smart phone, then there are many photo editing apps available online especially for the Android devices. Here I will be going to share top 5 photo editing apps for your Android phone.

Adobe Photoshop Express:

Adobe photo express is an amazing photo editing app which will let you edit and share photos virtually. You can also access your photos on It allows you to use almost every feature that you can use in photoshop on your PC. You are allowed to crop, rotate, change color, add effect etc in this app. This is a free app with average rating of 4.0 out of 5.0 on Google play store.


This app will let you add retro effects to your photos. This is an award winning app, it has won award of “Best app of the year” in 2011. Pixlr-o –matic let you easily transform your photo into a vintage looking photo by adding retro effects in it. The overall look of this app is attractive. The best thing of this app is that you are allowed to use this app without any formality of registration. It is an intelligent and creative app which will let you edit your photos easily. You are allowed to crop your photos. You can edit photos, add effects and frames.   You can also share your edited photos with friends on Twitter, Facebook, Picassa etc.

Pics Art:  

Pics art is an app which will let you enjoy various amazing features. You can edit, crop, straightens, add effects and frames, and text etc by the help of Pics Art.  It also let you make collage of your photo. You are allowed to stuff on your photos or on blank screen. This app will let enjoy features of photoshop and instgram as well. This one app can fulfill all your need regarding photo editing.

Pic Say: 

This is the simplest photo editing app you can have on your Android phone. You can add many funny effects on your photos with the help of this app. The app also has the premium version which will let you enjoy extra tools and effects. You can add balloons, titles, graphics, frame and many amazing effects to make your photo more effective. It’s simple and easy to use interface makes it more popular.

Photo Editor:  

It is an easy and simple to use photo editing app by which you can add many effects to your photos. It lets you add effect, crop, resize frame etc. You can also draw stuffs on your photos by the help of this app. It offer wide variety of effects including gamma correction, auto contrast, auto tone, blur, oil, pain, sharpen, sketch, Polaroid etc. This is also a free app and it has average rating of 4.5 out of 5.0 at Google Play store.

About Author: Naven Work for robustbuy which is largest China Wholesale web store where you can find everything from Video games to tablets etc for cheap rates

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