3 Ways To Learn Computer Programming On A Budget

Nowadays, software is always around us. Whether we are using our phones, our laptops or PCs, we all have to deal with software issues on a daily basis. As such, it would do you good if you learned how to code. Rather, you need to learn computer programming so that you can be conversant with the issues that crop up on a daily basis. When you learn computer programming, you are for sure going to be a more informed person. You will be able to deal with any issues that come up anywhere programming is concerned.Learn Computer Programming

So, what is the best way to learn python without having to pay too much for it? Are there places where one can learn computer programing on a budget? Well, here are 3 ways that you can learn computer programming while on a budget:

  1. Codecademy

This is a free place for you to start computer programming classes. The fact that this platform offers 8 of the most popular programming languages means that beginners have a choice when they are on a budget. This is absolutely offered free of charge. Here, you can learn programming languages such as Python, HTML, PHP, Ruby, and CSS among others. One of the good things about this platform is that it offers you some groups, through which you can collaborate and learn with. It is also possible for the advanced students to publish their lessons on the platform, meaning that you will be able to learn much better from your peers.

You will also benefit from quizzes, personalized plans for learning as well as realistic projects. You can also benefit from the live access to help from advisors on the platform. As such, if you are on a budget, you can trust Codecademy to help you start your computer programming classes on a budget.

  1. Treehouse

Unlike Codecademy, you will have to pay to learn to code here. However, the fees are not as high, and therefore, you are assured of learning programming on a cheap basis. You will be charged $25 a month to learn to code. This is learning that will for sure prepare you for the job market. One of the good things about Treehouse is that their curriculum is based on a more practical approach as opposed to the theoretical nature of other curricula offered elsewhere. With more than 1000 videos hosted on their site, you can be assured that your learning will be fun and practical. Most of the lessons are project-based, meaning that you will benefit from the practical skills that you will receive for the affordable price.

  1. Free Code Camp

Here, you can code JavaScript and also do some good in the world. You will learn an entire curriculum here, that is estimated at 800 hours. You will start with the basic web development and this will progress to the more advanced programming lessons. One of the things that you have to do after the end of your learning is that you will commit to learning on the job by volunteering your skills to some nonprofit organizations that require web help. This is definitely worth the skills you will have acquired in the 800 hours of instruction which will help you in the long learn.


These were some of the best places where you can learn programming. If you are looking to learn Big Data Hadoop free, you can go through these websites as well.

If you have come across any such more website where you can learn the coding free, feel free to share with us.

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