How to Start a WordPress Blog Easily

start a wordpress blog easilyWelcome back to Technied. This blog post is for those who want to create their first WordPress self hosted blog and don’t know how to start it. The easy four steps to start your first WordPress blog is mentioned below. Just read this post and learn how to start a website easily.

4 Steps to Start a WordPress Blog Easily

Domain Name

Domain name is the name of your blog/website and the name should be related to your niche. It is not always easy to find a good domain name related to your niche. As almost all good and single word domain names are already taken.In such situation you can use tools like Wordoid, Domize etc to find a killer domain name for your blog. Now a days several domain name extensions are available in market.But dot com is the best among them. The next big question is from where you should buy your domain name? is the one of the most popular company to buy a domain name.

If you are from India then try bigrock to buy your domain name and can use coupon code to save up to 30% on your total bill.


This is the second most important part to create a blog. We all know there are hundreds of thousands of web hosting company available in the market and out of them only very few provide quality services to their customers. For these reasons you should take some extra care while choosing you When you choose a hosting company the following four issues are most important-reliability, speed, support and competency.

I recommended you to use HostGator. It has already hosted over 8,000,000 websites.Every hosting plan in HostGator comes with 45 day money back guarantee.


Without a great design, you can’t make your blog/website great.Try to make your blog simple and unique.There are two ways to design your website-Hire a web designer or buy a pre design template(Theme).Hiring a web designer may be little bit expensive.So, it is better to go for a pre designed template.I recommended you to buy theme from Theme Junkie, as it is cheap and also they provide custom design for your blog.Try to visit different websites and forums regularly to learn web design tips and make your blog more user friendly.I include 4 essential web design tips to make your site a better one-

  • Try to make your site load fast
  • Your blog/website must support all browsers
  • Must have a logo, tag line for your blog
  • Provide an easy to use navigation system


Last and most important part that helps you to make money from your is like a diversified portfolio-low risk,high return.If one fails others help to keep you going.I suggest to use

35% Private Ads
30% Affilate Sales
30% Google Adsense
5% Sponsored Reviews.

It is always better not to use advertising on your blog for first 3 months.

Now your site is ready.Promote your site to Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Google directory, Stumbleupon, Reddit etc.

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