Best Cloud Storage Solutions You Can Get For Free

If you are tight with money or you just don’t want to charge your credit card on, for example, expansive dedicated web server, you can still store all your files in the safe place, without “burning” your hard drive. Yes, it is possible. The solution of this problem is hidden in the cloud storage solutions you can use totally free. By using these platforms, you can forget the problems you have with limited disc space. In addition, you will be able to access to your files from different location and share them with whomever you want. These are just some of the advantages that best cloud storage platform offer to all cloud storage

Unlike dedicated web server, using the cloud storage solutions will not affect your budget. In fact, almost all big companies that provide this service is in the some kind of the price war because they are struggling to get as many users as possible. And this is great news for us. Because of the stiff competition, we can use some of the best cloud platforms very cheap. And this is not all. As we said in the beginning, you can store almost all your files and share them with others without paying.

Reliable Cloud Storage Solutions You Can Use for Free

 Probably the most famous among the reliable cloud storage solutions is DropBox. However, this option will not be appropriate for those who need more than 2GB of free space, because this is all you will get if you sign up for the free plan. However, you can still store more files without paying. The only thing you have to do is to invite a couple of your friends to use this platform or to connect your legit social accounts with the application.

Despite these limitations, DropBox is definitely the option you should try. It is known for its user-friendly interface, reliability and it is super- easy to use. We think you will not make mistake if you try it. After all, if you are not satisfied with features that are provided with a free plan, you can always upgrade your account for a small sum. Or you can purchase dedicated web server and get unlimited space for your files.

If You Don’t Need A Dedicated Web Server

The second option you should try if you don’t want to have a dedicated web server is Sync. It is relatively a new provider, which quickly became extremely popular among users. If you decide to use free plan, you will get 5GB of space. The same as with the first option, you can also get more space by inviting your friends.

Finally, we have Google Drive, one of best cloud storage solutions. This will be the first choice for those who need a lot of free space, because Google offers 15GB of memory for storing your archive. Not bad for the free plan, isn’t it?

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