5 Pay Per Call Verticals for Profitable Campaigns

We have talked a lot about the pay per call networks and advertisements so far. But at the same time, we also talk about the limitations of the pay per call advertisements as if the ticket size is not good, you should not use the pay per call ads.Pay Per Call Verticals

Also, there are certain niches where this pay per call ads work well while may or may not for the other verticals. So, we thought of writing a detailed post sharing the top ideas to use pay per call for profitable business.

Also, a lot of changes or you can say enhancements have been done with the pay per call. The area has been widened, new features and feathers have been added which have made pay per call ads even more exciting and beneficial.

Here in this article, let’s see some of the best ideas verticals and campaigns for running profitable pay per call campaigns.

#1 Pay Per Call Dating Campaigns

Dating campaigns are ideal for Pay Per Call Marketing. With these types of offers, you are targeting people who are looking for love and want to talk to someone. Dating lines give you a number to send your calls and once they do, you get paid. It’s as easy as that!

#2 Pay Per Call Medical Campaigns

With the growing demand of counselling in the medical professional field, you can easily grab the demand of this market as well. Simply start with the pay per call campaigns and have one expert your callers through joining an addictions or weight-loss program. Seniors looking for hearing aids or back-braces are some of the top converting offers in the pay per call industry.

#3 Travel Lead Generation

One of the super and evergreen markets is travel. No matter how things are working, there will be always a people who need a vacation and so, this is always been a part of best blog niche list. You can again grab a piece of the market with the help of pay per call and start a business that helps people go on the vacation of your dreams. All you need is someone specialized in the area for the problem-solving. Niches include Travel Agents, Airline Tickets, Cruises, Hotels, Rental Cars and Vacation Packages

#4 Finance

Financial campaigns are a hot pay per call vertical where you, being an expert, can generate qualified leads from people looking for credit repair, debt relief, mortgages, payday loans and more. It’s like the consulting business but instead of visiting someone and solving the problem, here you are remotely driving leads from PPC campaigns on search engines and social networks. These campaigns have huge payouts too, so they are definitely worth testing.

#5 Legal

Another profitable and fruitful pay per call campaign idea is legal. The role will come at either the initial stage or the later stage as you will be the expert either showing the initial path or when someone is in a complex problem, showing the correct path.

Legal campaigns include Bankruptcy, Criminal Divorce, Family, Personal Injury, DUI / DWI and more.


These were the 5 most profitable pay per call campaign business ideas. One thing you will find common in all the niches are, these all are high value and high-ticket size business. And so, if you are spending bit more on the advertising side, you still have a huge margin for profit.

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