50+ Funny Questions To Ask A Guy

If you are are searching for best funny questions to ask a guy or great questions to ask a guy, your search ends here. The list of 50+ great questions to ask a guy. He may be your friend, a co-worker or class mate. If you want to know more about him, this is the list of questions to ask him. Remember ech and every guy is different. So, pick questions carefully to make the conversations more interesting. Apart from that, you can also use these questions whenever you have a crush on a guy.funny questions to ask a guy

List Of Funny Questions To Ask A Guy

1. Tell me the most funniest incident of your childhood.

2. Who is your role model?

3. Who is your favorite author?

4. What is your favorite food?

5. If you get only 3 words to describe yourself – what are they?

6. What is your biggest regret in life so far?

7. Can you list your three big weaknesses.

8. If you get a time machiene, what you like to visit – past or future?

9. If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

10. Do you believe in love at first sight?

11. Do you watch movies regularly?

12. Which country/place you would like to visit once in your life time?

13. If you win a lottery of $1 million, what you would like to do?

14. Do you have a girlfriend?

15. What makes you insecure?

16. What do you prefer – love marriage or arrange marriage?

17. Tell me about your three strengths.

18. What’s the most unusual but fun experience you have ever had?

19. How many mobile phones you have changed till today?

20. What was the most valuable purchase you have ever made?

21. Whats was the most worst purchase you have ever made?

22. Are you allergic to anything?

23. What do you think about cricket?

24. Whom you listen often – your heart or your brain?

25. List three things, you can’t live without.

26. Do you like waking up early or staying up late?

27. Do you like to eat grilled food prepared with indoor electric grills?

Funny Questions To Ask A Guy – Part 2

27. Are you a religious person?

28. Whats is your idea of a perfect first date?

29. Who is your favorite actor/actress?

30. What is your most favorite movie and why?

31. Do you like pets?

32. What is the most yummy food you have ever had?

33. Who was your first love?

34. What is the best thing you like about me?

35. Which sports do you love to play?

36. Do you believe in ghost? if yes, have you ever seen it?

37. Tell me one of your secret, you have never shared with anyone yet.

38. Do you enjoy watching horror movies?

39. What is the one thing you hate most?

40. If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

41. What do you find very attractive in a woman?

42. Whats’s your favorite color?

43. If you get a chance to choice anyone in the world as your diner guest, whom you would like to choose?

44. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

45. When did you cry last time in front of another person?

46. What does a perfect day look like to you?

47. What’s the biggest dream that you currently pursue?

48. Do you have any heroes? Who are they?

49. What do you expect from your life partner?

50. Men are pursuers; women are gatekeepers. True or false?

51. Have you ever stolen anything?

52. What does your name mean?

53. Will you remember any of these questions later on?

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